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Day is done, gone the sun,
We will never forget Our Members.
In Memory of
Abraham Kichen WWII North Africa RIP March 5, 2015 |
In Memory of
Lewis Kersting Vietnam RIP October 2014 |
In Memory of
Frank Koziura WWII Pacific RIP January 2013 |
In Memory of
George Cumming Pacifit / Korea RIP November 2012 |
In Memory of Joseph Nocco WWII Europe/Pacific RIP May 2012 |
In Memory of
Michael Wieczorek Iraq/Afghanistan RIP February 2012 |
In Memory of
Robert Intoccia WWII Europe RIP June 2010 |
In Memory of
Pat Savaiano WWII RIP May 2010 |
In Memory of
Raymond Jensen Vietnam RIP May 2010 |
In Memory of
John Parcels Korea RIP March 2009 |
In Memory of
Leo Perisian WWII Europe RIP November 2007 |
In Memory of
Norbet Mayle Germany RIP September 2007 |
In Memory of
Gary Crowley Vietnam RIP June 2007 |